Healing Foods

Coconut Oil for Mental Health: A spoonful a day keeps the doctor away?

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Coconut Oil may be the one staple in our home that we cannot go without.

Gone are the days where we thought coconut oil was bad for us, we have traded in our vegetable oils of the past for the organic virgin coconut oil of today.
The benefits to our health are far beyond what one article can hold, although I am tempted to list out the many ways we use our beloved oil in our day. I will focus instead on my favorite subject of mental health.

Feeding, loving, and supporting our brain leads to stronger mental health.

So can it be true? A spoonful of coconut oil can keep the Doctor or therapist away?

That, I cannot answer for you friend! I am a huge believer in community and professional support for overall mental health. Humans are not created to do life alone. It may be that a therapist or doctor is the one you can count on. So, no, PLEASE don’t skip your next appointment with your doc,  don’t quit your mental health medications cold turkey. Do this instead, research the benefits of natural replacements to support your mental health and wellness.

A wee bit of homework never hurt anyone.

First Stop – Coconut Oil

A Malaysian study called “Anti-stress and antioxidant effects of Virgin Cobnut oil in vivo” was recently published in the Journal of Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine (Jan 2015; 9(1): 39–42) The full study found here.

The results of the study are enough to make me push for that spoonful a day in my house. With a history of depression, Alzheimer’s, memory loss, dementia, ADHD, brain fog, tumors, and other brain disorders in our past, it is time to talk prevention and feed our brain.

Do you or anyone you know suffer from or live with any of these brain disorders?

The study suggests using a high-quality virgin coconut oil (I always use organic) can match antidepressant drugs and do so without the dangerous side effects.

Have you seen the commercials lately for side effects with standard drug treatment?

Let’s take a popular anti-anxiety medication Lexapro but any drug will work for comparison. The full list of effects can be found here .
Some of the more common side effects, burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, “pins and needles,” or tingling feelings. This list of symptoms is enough to cause me mental stress all on its own! It gets worse, chills, cough, decreased appetite, the excessive air in the stomach and intestines, fever and joint pain add to the list of symptoms. Did I just sign up for a flu pill? The less common symptoms, decreased urine output (that does not sound healthy) convulsions, shortness of breath and swelling of the face ankles and hands.

The side effects of a spoonful of coconut oil a day found here.

I could not see a negative which once again makes me a believer in the benefits of that sweet, creamy oil that feeds my brain the fats it needs.

Dr. Kelly Brogan suggests we Introduce 1-2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil to decrease inflammation in our brain.

Inflammation, a leading and I believe the primary cause of depression, anxiety and a slew of other mental health disorders. When your mind is inflamed, everything is out of order. Adding Coconut oil is a useful shortcut to decrease this inflammation and support healthy mental wellness.

Check out this post from Dr. Brogan. I love her view of depression and the many ways we can treat the ROOT cause of Depression Symptoms. What you may read just may shock you. I know when I discovered her approach I was left feeling like I had the wind knocked out of me.

For that I am thankful. It means HOPE and CHANGE.

Check out her book to dig deeper into what we CAN DO TO PREVENT DEPRESSION.

Coconut oil is an excellent source of medium-chain fatty acids or MCTs.

You can read about my morning relationship with MCT oil here. You can take your CO in your morning coffee, mix it in your daily smoothie or even take it straight up! Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down…or in our brain boosting quest, a spoon or two of coconut oil makes the brain strong!

Alzheimer’s patient’s brains are deficient in insulin. Adding fatty acids provide our brain with fuel by converting them into ketones in the liver.
These ketones are a more immediate source of energy and not as readily stored as body fat.

Dr. Mary Newport MD took matters into her own hands when her husband Steve was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. She fed him Coconut oil and later added MCT oil, finding that it improved his short-term memory, lessened his depression, revived his personality, and decreased his walking and vision problems. An MRI showed brain shrinkage stopped.

I am overwhelmed by the hope of healing in our brains when I read of stories and research like this.

I am going out on a limb here, but I would say Dr. Mary Newport is onto something with this keystone energy connection. If coconut oil or MCT oil will not hurt you or cause uncomfortable side effects why not use it to support brain function, reverse neurological symptoms, treat or prevent depression, and fuel your body with an excellent source of energy.

Read some of her books to dig deeper on her research on ketones and Coconut Oil

On a prevention note, I am all for building and setting up a secure brain foundation to not have to cross the bridge of Alzheimer’s, depression and memory loss.

Bam! We are kicking Depression to the curb here at our house!

Coconut is not the only weapon we have  in our battle to have optimal brain health in a crazy world of toxins, bad foods and stress, never mind the genetic components of disease. With Coconut oil being readily available, very inexpensive and a safe and healthy alternative to support mental wellness why not add it to your diet for a life well lived?

There are other great benefits to our coconut oil staple. Improved immunity, supports digestion and helps our bodies absorb calcium (hello strong teeth and bones). I make oil pulling with coconut oil a weekly routine for optimal oral hygiene. We use coconut oil as a base for many of our DIY hand and body creams, toothpaste, deodorant, and even conditioner. Don’t forget to add this wonder oil to your cooking for a healthy boost of love!

Coconut oil is a beautiful addition to a non-toxic wellness lifestyle. More than anything I want to point you in the direction of a body and MIND Full of health and wellness in the years to come.

How are you using Coconut Oil to boost your health and keep the Doctor away?

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