The Best Probiotics for a Healthy Gut
Healing Foods,  Replenish & Repair

The Best Probiotics For A Healthy  Gut

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Do you suffer from brain fog, gas, bloating, upset stomach and food intolerances? How about sleep issues, skin conditions, anxiety, and depression?

You may need Probiotics for a healthier gut.

The microbiome has become a buzzword lately and with good reason. My research on depression and anxiety led me directly to the condition of our gut or gut microbiome.

Microbiome simply means the microorganisms living in the human body.

We are focusing on the microbiome of the gut in today’s post, although the rest of the human microbiome is essential as well.

While recently listening to a docuseries called Interconnected. Which I highly recommend to anyone interested in staying well, Dr. Mark Hyman of the Cleveland Clinic described our body like a rain forest.

MANY varieties of life living and growing in one place.

We need this broad spectrum and diverse culture within us to grow and thrive to keep us well. If one species is in trouble, the rest will sustain the forest. In contrast, if you picture our body as a cornfield (one species) and it dies off you have an empty dirt field. Nothing to support a healthy gut until you start again.

The earlier we care for our rainforest (before birth), the lusher it will be providing support throughout life.

When we ruin the rainforest, we risk the break down of wellness in many areas.

Studies have demonstrated links between gut health and our immune system, mood, mental health, endocrine, an autoimmune disorder, and even cancer. Without a healthy microbiome or gut health, we risk these health conditions. Bacteria is our friend in this case, and we want to care for it, feed it, and love on it through our life.

Our microbiome is damaged when we overuse antibiotics, artificial hormones, toxins, and eat a diet. This includes sugars and processed foods.

An unbalanced microbiome leads to an unhealthy gut that is unable to absorb the nutrients from the food we eat. We are now faced with a variety of issues that can throw off our overall wellness. The good news is our gut can heal. We can turn things around. I believe food always should be our first round of healing. Food offers the benefit of probiotics, enzymes, proteins, minerals, and vitamins.

So what can we EAT to help mitigate a microbiome that requires healthy bacteria?

Probiotic-rich foods for a healthier gut and thriving microbiome! 

The best Probiotics to heal your gut are food.

Add these to your top shelf in your fridge and take a spoonful of each one or several throughout the week. Diversity with your choices inoculates your microbiome with different forms of the crucial bacteria stains we need for optimal gut health.

  • Raw Sauerkraut – Fermented raw cabbage has significant health benefits. Let’s put into perspective the power of this superfood. Most probiotic-rich foods and supplements contain 5–10 billion colony-forming units (CFU) per serving. In comparison, 1 cup of sauerkraut contains around 3 billion CFUs. I order Bubbies or pick up Wildbrine brand at Costco. Like most other fermented foods, sauerkraut also contains a variety of enzymes, which help break down nutrients.


  • Coconut Yogurt – Coconut Yogurt is a form of fermented milk that has been around for thousands of years made with a variety of bacterial cultures. This is one of those items that I have yet to make my own…sigh… It’s on the list. For now, we buy at our local grocery store.


  • Pickled Vegetables -The naturally occurring bacteria on fermented fruits and vegetables is called lactobacillus. The bacteria convert sugar into lactic acid, which is what gives fermented foods their characteristic flavor.  You can ferment any vegetable. We prefer green beans, cucumbers, beets, broccoli, carrots and of course cabbage. I add fermented veggies to my salad at lunch, or we save them for an early evening snack.


  • Tempeh – Tempeh, a soy-based product, made by fermenting cooked soybeans. Tempeh is a favorite source of protein at our house. It also has iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. Low in carbs and sodium, it makes the perfect meat replacement. We eat tempeh in sandwiches, stir fry and grilled on the BBQ. Our favorite way to enjoy tempeh is found over at Rabbit and Wolves, and let’s be real..Meat, Shmeet. Tempeh is the way to go.


  • Kimchi – Kimchi, made from fermented vegetables and red pepper. It is a Korean favorite and is consumed daily by 98% of Southern Koreans. Napa cabbage kimchi is my favorite containing vitamins A, B, C, and K. It is also loaded with vital minerals like potassium, calcium, and magnesium and fermented in Lactic acid bacteria to help that gut! We make The First Mess version of Kimchi Fried Rice with Smokey Tempeh and Broccoli at least weekly. It’s soooo good there are NEVER leftovers.



  • Tamari – Tamari is the Japanese form of soy sauce, traditionally made as a byproduct of miso paste. Its flavor comes from amino acids derived from soy protein. With less salt than traditional soy sauce, it’s a better choice in my opinion for taste and health. Tarmari supports digestion of fruits and vegetables, is rich in several minerals, is a good source of vitamin B3, protein, manganese, and tryptophan.


  • Kefir – Kefir, fermented milk containing 30 strains of good bacteria. Kefir also contains high levels of vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K2, biotin, folate, and enzymes. I prefer Coconut Kefir to avoid dairy. I buy my supplies here and make it once in a while but also pick up at the store if it’s in stock.


  •  Raw, Unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar – My naturopathic Doctor has me taking 2 tablespoons with six ounces of water with each meal to balance blood sugar and support enzyme function. ACV is also excellent for curbing your appetite. This is my favorite ACV, but I have also picked up at Costco and other organic raw versions from farmers markets and smaller retail shops.


  •  Kombucha – Kombucha, a fermented drink made from brewed organic tea, sugar, and bacteria. The fermentation process produces compounds that can encourage detoxification, provides antioxidants, and encourages good bacteria production. I prefer homemade, you can get a Kombucha starter kit here and make your own too! It’s a fun project to do with kids.

If you find you have been in a busy season or your gut health needs extra support then I recommend LIFE 9 Probiotic.

We take before bed when we need an extra boost or we find ourselves in a season of needing more gut support. Life 9 contains 9 species and 17 billion CFU’s in a time release capsule designed to withstand gastric juices ensuring product efficacy. I love this supplement not just for its quality but for the price point and discount I get when ordering.

Let me let you in on a little secret. MOST OF US NEED CONTINUOUS GUT HEALTH SUPPORT.

I challenge you to get these gut healers on your fridges top shelf and start eating today.

Was this helpful?!? What else do you want to know about foods that heal your gut and help grow bacteria? You can read more about gut health here.

Cheers to a Mind Full Of Promise and a Life Well Lived!



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