Natural safe cleaning products

Toxic Free Home

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Are you worried about the Toxins in your household cleaning products?

To be honest, I wasn’t. For a very long season in my life I swapped quick and cheap and used commercial cleaning products for my home. I even knew better. Deep down inside I knew there were better options for my family but……

I had a limited budget and limited time. I didn’t even know which natural, safe Cleaning options to use.

I ran to the dollar store or placed in my shopping cart whatever cleaning product came with a coupon and looked the other way.

When our life fell apart after my sons death in 2017 by depression. I started my research on depression prevention. One area I uncovered was toxicity. Toxicity from the foods we eat, products we use and even the emotions we carry within us.

I knew I couldn’t change the world…at least overnight:) However I COULD make choices in my home that would be much SAFER for my family TODAY. Removing unsafe chemicals and toxins from our home was a start.

There are a few natural ingredients I use now plus one cleaner concentrate. CHEAP, EASY, QUICK and most important SAFE !

natural safe cleaning for your home

Thieves HouseHold Cleaner

Formulated with the power of Young Living’s Thieves essential oil blend, Thieves Household Cleaner is a concentrated, versatile solution that gives you a deep clean when scrubbing, degreasing, spot cleaning, dusting, and more—all without harsh chemicals. With its spicy-sweet aroma and plant-based formula, it’s great to use around everyone in your family, including pets. Create a clean, welcoming space that’s perfect for everyone with the fresh, inviting scent and sparkling clean of Thieves Household Cleaner.

We use this diluted for EVERYTHING!

No joke! I do add a few extras that you will want to keep on hand but my guess is you already do! Click each ingredient to see what we use. I do buy the biggest size I can for cost reduction and to keep on hand.

White Vinegar

Baking Soda

Olive Oil

Hydrogen Peroxide

Castile Soap

Purified water

Glass Jars – I used recycled mason jars or jelly jars:)

Of course the Thieves Cleaner is a must! The smell alone is enough to make you feel happy while mopping floors and cleaning toilets.

I have a few favorite cleaning recipes I whip up. Very easy and can be done in just a few minutes every few months.

Grab the recipes and Thieves dilution suggestions here!

natural safe cleaning for your home

Thieves Laundry Detergent

Next we use Thieves Laundry Detergent. I was making my own for awhile but honestly the EASY BUTTON must be pushed at times. When it comes to laundry I PUSH THE BUTTON!

Our skin is the largest organ on our body. Our clothes cover most of our body…..Chew on that! Those Mountain Fresh scent clothes our family was wearing from the detergent and fabric softener was leaching toxic chemical in to our skin and going right into our blood stream and then being stored in our body fat and organs. No…no. NO!

natural safe cleaning for your home

Kitchen Cleaning

Natural solutions are so easy when using Thieves products in the kitchen. We use Thieves Dish soap, hand soap, dishwasher detergent and Produce wash to get rid of all the pesticides on our fruits and veggies.

Speaking of pesticides, do you know what chemicals to avoid in the foods we eat? If not grab my free printable that you can fold and carry with you when you shop! Get my Toxic Free Cheat Sheet here.

With the ingredients above and Thieves Household cleaner I can clean

Wood floors





Our RV

Laundry + stains + bleach

Pet beds and areas

Wood furniture


Heavy Grease

Furniture and Upholstery

If you didn’t grab the recipes above do so now. Grab my easy, natural and inexpensive recipes here! My favorite stain and bleach alternative are included as well as the cleanest bathroom around hacks!

If you are interested in using Thieves Cleaner, Laundry Soap, or any of the Thieves Products don’t hesitate to reach out with questions. You can also go here to save 24% and get started with Thieves products.

I am horrified when I think back to the products I was using before. They were not cheaper. Now that I have found solutions to toxic free cleaning in my home I am sticking with it? How about you?

I would love to help you ditch the unsafe chemicals. Connect with me for a FREE in person or online consult to live life well + toxic free.

Text “toxicfree” to 517.234.4592 for a text campaign with more info

Text “Toxicfreecall” to 517.234.4592 for a personalized call from me to answer questions

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