Toxin Free for Life

Is your Coffee Creamer Killing You?

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Is Coffee Creamer Killing you?

I used to be ADDICTED to the coffee creamer with all of those yummy flavors.

You know what I am talking about. Vanilla Bean Delight, Carmel Mocha Supreme and Peppermint Delish Creamer around the Holiday time.

Actually, way back when I first started drinking coffee it was black with nothing in it. Then I became a new mom, a stay at home mom, who met with friends over coffee and let our sweet babes play. Flavored coffee creamer was introduced one fine day and the addiction began. I am certain at some points there was more creamer in my coffee than the java itself. My sleepless nights as a new mama had me holding coffee in my hand throughout most of the week.

Mostly Creamer with a few sips of Coffee that is.

When we started our wellness journey and study on brain support for prevention of genic disease (here is why we started that research) in our family including depression, anxiety, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, memory loss, brain fog, headaches and more I knew there had to be something we could do to turn off or at least slow down the disease plaguing my family tree. Additionally, our family had a long line of body health issues including acid reflux, kidney cancer, brain tumors, joint issues, heart disease, thyroid cancer, colon cancer and diabetes.

The coffee creamer I was consuming was only a small part of the unhealthy junk I was using to feed the potential of getting any number of the diseases listed above.

The research on Coffee creamer alone and the ingredients in it  was enough to scare me.

1. SUGAR– Refined Sugars lack minerals and vitamins, so they must use our body’s micro-nutrient supply in order to be metabolized properly in our system. When the store house of nutrients are used up we risk correct metabolization of cholesterol and fatty acids creating a higher risk of high triglycerides and high cholesterol. We are at a higher risk of obesity because of the now higher fatty acids being stored around our organs. Studies show sugar consumption can aggravate asthma and acne, create and worsen mood swings, provoke personality changes, magnify mental illness, move heart disease along faster than a moving train and drop off an unwanted package of Diabetes right to your door. Hear my door SLAM? Bam! No Thanks!

2.Vegetable Oil– Most European countries have BANNED partially hydrogenated oils yet we continue to pour them into our overly sweet coffee each morning on our commute to work, on our way to class or even sitting around playing with our sweet babes in the morning. Hydrogenated oils can lead to hardening of the arteries and even heart attack. I think I want to live in Europe…No thanks on the Vegetable oil.

3. Corn Syrup- Can you Say GMO…ok, that is a post for another day. Let me be real here. Corn syrup causes disease. Diabetes, leaky gut, dementia, liver failure and tooth decay. This is a highly processed food and should be banished altogether in my opinion. If you want to know FIVE REASONS Corn Syrup is killing you read here to find out what Dr. Mark Hyman MD writes on this body poison we consume in amounts up to 17 teaspoons of sugar per soda beverage. Corn syrup is in everything…read your labels and throw that junk away!

There are a few more ingredients in the java concoction you are drinking each morning. The last I will cover is

4. Dipotassium phosphate (used to moderate Coffee’s Acidity) this stuff is …not a killer….but it sure will make you feel crummy. This junk can cause diarrhea, weakness, renal failure and vomiting.

Run….if you didn’t shut the door to sugar, move to Europe and throw that creamer away then dear friend I beg you to RUN. Run in the other direction less you …

……well as you have read it’s NOT GOOD.

Now that I have broken up your love affair with Almond Mocha, Vanilla Bob delight please know there is another creamy delish waiting in the wings for you to meet.

Coconut Oil and Raw Grass Fed butter are the bullet that will kill off any of your desires to meet back up with Mocha Vanilla Bean Bob.

Let me introduce you.


Coconut oil has long been known for its health and wellness benefit. You can read about how we use this amazing oil in our home and the many health benefits here.

Coconut oil in your coffee? I admit in the beginning I thought the same. Greasy coffee. But, no my dears when organic coffee, organic coconut oil and Raw, organic grass fed butter are blended (once in a blue moon I add coconut sugar and a dash of cinnamon oil for a treat) you will reap the benefits of adding a healing fat (remember we all need fat for healthy brains and bodies)

Let’s break this Recipe of goodness down.

1. Brew Organic coffee and add to blender (We are VitaMix obsessed) – coffee that is not organic is highly toxic…covered in pesticides. Those pesticides and mass production of non-organic coffee are ruining our rains forests as well. Buy Organic and from small producing farmers. One cup a day is enough of this good stuff. You won’t need to fuel yourself over and over once you try this recipe. I buy this brand here.

2. Next add in one to two tablespoons unrefined, raw, organic butter or gee. This is what we use.   

3. Now add your Organic Coconut oil, we also use MCT oil when intermittent fasting.

4. Blend well for 20-30 seconds for an AMAZIN coffee in the morning.

If you want to know more about Bullet Proof Coffee Read up on Dave Asprey the Creator of this yumo morning drink.



Now that you have run away from Almond, Vanilla Mocha Bob Coffee Creamer and shot the sugar in the back. You will find yourself full of energy, it will keep your hunger away, enhance your mental clarity and stimulate the body’s fat burning potential leading to easier loss of weight.


If you think this sounds a bit off, don’t fret. The practice of adding butter goes way back in many areas of the world. Adding butter is a common tradition in Ethiopia and yak butter has been a Tibetan favorite in their tea for a long time.

As you can see, no need to move to Europe, learn from the Tibetans and put a little pat of the good fat in your coffee…and if you must sweeten the deal try some organic coconut sugar in a tiny pinch or a little drop of stevia goes a long way and my favorite Cinnamon oil found here. This mix is a long term healthy nontoxic love come true!

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