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What To Eat to Support Dopamine & Serotonin

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Did you know there are foods we can eat to support dopamine and serotonin levels?

It’s true, but first let’s understand what dopamine and serotonin are and why what we eat matters. 

 Dopamine and serotonin are our mood and pleasure neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that regulate multiple functions and processes in our body.

Dopamine plays a role in the brain’s pleasure and reward systems. 

Serotonin helps regulate mood.

How are Dopamine and Serotonin connected to our mental wellness?

Both dopamine and serotonin may play a role in depression and anxiety.

Researchers believe that symptoms of depression such as hopelessness, lack of interest and low motivation are linked to our dopamine system (1) Dopamine influences energy, attention, pleasure, and movement, which may lead to anxiety symptoms if imbalanced. Other research leads us to connect serotonin with anxiety and depression (2).

How do we eat to support Dopamine?

Next, I’d like you to meet my friends, the amino acids. These guys function as the building blocks of proteins. Tyrosine is an amino acid playing a critical role in the production of dopamine. Additionally, we have enzymes in our body that can turn tyrosine into dopamine. Another amino acid, phenylalanine, also makes tyrosine. Amino acids are pretty important friends to keep around.

 Tyrosine and phenylalanine levels need to be optimal for dopamine production. Guess where tyrosine and phenylalanine hang out, in protein-rich foods!

Is it coming together a bit?

How do we Eat to Support Serotonin?

Serotonin is found mostly in the digestive system, it’s also found in our central nervous system and blood platelets. Serotonin is made from another friend, the essential amino acid tryptophan. We get tryptophan from foods we eat. See what I mean, food and mood. What we eat matters!

Food and Mood, What do we need?

As you can see these brain chemicals, our neurotransmitters that communicate information throughout our brain and body need to be in BALANCE. They NEED the right fuel or food to do that as well as the most optimal conditions to thrive. Let me clarify. 

We need to feed our bodies to fuel our minds. We need to create a healthy home for our building blocks and chemical messengers or they won’t stick around or even show up. 

As explained in Dr. Leslie Korn’s Book Nutrition Essentials for Mental Health, 

“Impaired Digestion of protein means the amino acids are not available to the brain to support neurotransmitter production, directly affecting mood, sleep, and cravings. “

The right conditions

First, we have to make sure the food going into our body will be well received. The overuse of antibiotics, stress and lack of prebiotic foods don’t support healthy gut microbiota.

No problem, we can fix this. Let’s begin with including prebiotic foods into your diet to feed the new bacteria we will soon add.  

Prebiotic foods include onions, garlic, leeks, soybeans, chicory root, honey, banana, and Jerusalem artichoke.

Next, we need to add in the good bacteria with probiotics.

Probiotic-rich foods include yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, pickles, miso, tempeh, kimchi, sourdough bread, and some cheeses.

Fule the Amino acids

Now that we are creating a balanced microbiome, our digestive system will be in a healthier place. A happy hangout for our friends.We should consume foods that increase the amino acids we talked about earlier, Tryptophan, Tyrosine And Phenylalanine.

Optimal Foods to eat that include these amino acids are pastured eggs, wild-caught salmon, pastured chicken, nuts and seeds, cultured dairy, avocados, and bananas. 

Although supporting optimal amino acid production to balance serotonin and dopamine is not the only means of promoting mental health, it is an important component.

We must eat to fuel our bodies and minds! 

Are you ready to eat to support balanced dopamine and serotonin levels? I’m here to help! Download this free printable, FOOD AND MOOD CHEAT SHEET. Stick it to your fridge and eat up!

Have you read Five Things You Can Do For Your Mental Health Today? Read it here and when you do be sure to check out the free resource I have for you to get you through each day.

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