Depression & Disease,  Healing Foods,  Mindful Living,  Movement for Health,  Tribe & Village

Five Things YOU can do Today to Support Your Mental Health.

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The past few months we have lost several teens to suicide in  my small community. It’s a devastating blow to the heart when this happens. Many reach out asking “WHY” and “WHAT” can we do? 

The truth is I don’t have an answer for everyone who suffers from mental health conditions. Mental Health is very bio-individual and needs to be supported with ongoing personalized care.

I do know after years of consistent research there are practices we can implement daily to support our mental health, to model for others and to pass on and share in conversations.

Lifestyle is often overlooked when visiting health care professionals.

One study (1) showed more than half of patients with symptoms of mental illness said their health care providers had never shared lifestyle changes. That is a large percentage of healthcare providers not sharing strategies that help support mental health when science has continued to show us lifestyle plays a role in mental wellness.

EVERYONE, even those who do not think they have a mental health condition could implement these Five things to support mental health today. 

🌿Spend 10 minutes doing high intensity exercise 

Science shows  us the positive impact movement and exercise has on anxiety and depression. One study (2) labeled exercise a “magic drug” for those suffering from anxiety and depression. Exercise is not my strong suite so we keep it simple with waking outdoors or  on our treadmill. Adding in three minute intervals of high speed running to keep my heart rate up and challenge my body and mind. No time for the treadmill or walk? Break your exercise down into smaller four minute chunks and do three times a day. Dr. Zach Bush created this work out (3), challenging 16 muscle groups in only four minutes. 

🌿Start & End your day with meditation

A Johns Hopkins review of research suggests thirty  minutes of mindfulness and meditation daily may improve symptoms of anxiety and depression(4).  The focus of mindfulness and meditation is on  ownership of feelings and thoughts without judgment and relaxation of body and mind.

We have found great success in supporting anxiety in our home implementing a meditation  practice. There are many apps and programs available to support meditation. I found using the essential oil,  Release by Young Living diffused at the same time as my meditation practice calms me. When using I find I am more focused and relaxed. Try this free video on YOUTube as a simple way to start your mindfulness practice. 

🌿 Create a sleep routine

Good Sleep Hygiene is critical for optimal mental health. 

Disrupted sleep can lead to emotional changes, clinical depression or anxiety and other physiological conditions such as schizophrenia (5). 

Good sleep hygiene includes  maintaining a regular sleep-and-wake schedule, limiting your  bedroom for sleep and sex and eliminating TV, computer and phone  distractions. I have also found success in using essential oils, during my meditation practice before bed. Taking five minutes to do a bedtime yoga routine will help as well. If you want further support with sleep hygiene then connect with me on Instagram or Facebook and I can share more. 

🌿Balance Omega 3 and Omega 6 foods

It’s becoming more recognized that inflammation plays  a role in depression. Omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids  in the food supply of the Standard American Diet have changed over the last 15 years. Studies  report that omega-3 deficiency leads to impaired serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitter function (6)

Chris Kressler shares it best in his article How Too Much Omega-6 and Not Enough Omega-3 Is Making Us Sick when he explains

 “ In plain english, what this means is that the more omega-3 fat you eat, the less omega-6 will be available to the tissues to produce inflammation. Omega-6 is pro-inflammatory, while omega-3 is neutral. A diet with a lot of omega-6 and not much omega-3 will increase inflammation. A diet of a lot of omega-3 and not much omega-6 will reduce inflammation.” 

Five Things You Can do Today to Support Your Mental Health

Life needs to be balanced and so do our fatty acids. Eliminate vegetables oil such as sunflower, corn, soybean and cottonseed oil and processed foods containing them. Which are higher in Omega 6. Raw butter, coconut oil, lard, palm oil and olive oil are all lower in omega-6. They are a much wiser choice for our brain. Add in quality Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids. Such as wild caught fatty fish ( Salmon is our favorite), avocados or a fish oil supplement. 

🌿Cultivate community

A human break is healthy to replenish but alone all of the time is not great for the mind. A study published in the Journal of Preventive Medicine  shows teens who had social support were significantly less likely to become depressed after experiencing work or financial stress in early adulthood (7). Equally notable is a study published in the  journal General Hospital Psychiatry finding  peer support helped reduce symptoms of depression (8).

 The bottom line, we need each other. 

Join a community organization such “Meet up” with others who enjoy the same hobbies you do. Try a new gym or organize a group of peers to meet weekly for a book club. Participate in a church small group or even a mental health support group. If groups are hard, start small with reaching out to a friend or two to connect.

 When we are feeling anxious or depressed this step is often hard to do. Remember the first step is the hardest and from there it will become easier with practice.

I believe in you. 

 I hope these Five things YOU can do today to support your mental health are action steps to implement, share and model for others. They have for me personally as well as other members of our family. Do you need reminders? Download my Mental Wellness REMINDER checklist here:)

Cheers to HOPE for tomorrow and Mental Health Support for everybody everyday. 

Five Things You Can Do Today To Support Your Mental Health

Curious about foods that are high in fiber, provide good brain fats, moderate proteins, and lower carbs? Try my Mind Full Promise Challenge. A month-long email series with four weeks of recipes to live life WELL! 

Also, grab my FREE printable A pocket guide of Neuro Toxins to avoid.



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