
The Dirt On Soap

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Have you ever looked at the ingredients on the back of your hand soap container?

Often we can’t even pronounce the names on the back of the container. It’s not the big names that scare me; it’s the consequence of using the chemical behind the name. It’s just plain dirty. Most chemicals in our soaps and personal care products are causing more harm than good.

Our skin is the largest organ on our body, twenty-two square feet on average. Sixty percent of what we put on our skin enters our body transdermally (through the skin) and is eventually absorbed into the bloodstream.

Studies suggest we reduce our use of chemical disinfectant soaps and products. I say why risk using them at all when it’s not necessary. Stop using antibacterial chemical filled hand soaps, hand sanitizers and cleaning products which contain quaternary ammonium compounds aka quats.

Check labels for all products which may contain these ingredients.


Benzalkonium chloride

Benzethonium chloride

Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chlorides (C12-16)

Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride (C14 60%, C16 30%, C12 5%, C18 5%)

Alkyl dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (C12-14) Alkyl dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chlorides (C12-18)

Didecyldimethylammonium chloride

Dioctyldimethylammonium chloride

Chemicals in common soaps can disrupt our hormones, promote allergies, cause reproductive issues and increase the risk of cancer in some people.

This is scary! I mean truly scary when I think how many times a day I ask my kids to wash their hands!

Here are four trigger words to stay away from.

“Fragrance” is an umbrella term used to camouflage a blend of chemicals. You will never know what they are because the FDA doesn’t require companies to disclose the breakdown of fragrance ingredients. Most of the time, synthetic chemicals, and cancer-causing toxins are hiding under this umbrella. Ongoing exposure to “fragrances” has been shown to impact the brain negatively and can trigger allergies, migraines and asthma symptoms.

Many of my friends and family complain of headaches, and often I wonder what chemicals are hiding in their everyday products. Stop, think about what is hiding in your line up of everyday products.

Parabens are estrogen mimickers. What does that mean you may wonder. Once applied to the skin, parabens enter your bloodstream, your body then mistakes them for estrogen. When the body is led to believe there are high amounts of estrogen in the bloodstream from the hormone or what we often call endocrine disruptors, it reacts in different ways. Your body begins losing muscle, increasing fat deposits ( hello fat thighs and big belly), these fat deposits cause early onset of puberty in the young and trigger reproductive issues in men and women.

Sulfates are responsible for making bubbles in soap and the lather in your shampoo. Common sulfates are SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) and SLES (sodium laureth sulfate). Sulfates are irritants for people with sensitive skin or eczema. We area house of sensitive skin people so we avoid sulfates at all cost.

This bad boy is found in antibacterial soap. Studies have found that triclosan promotes the growth of bacteria resistant to antibiotic cleaners. It also creates dioxin, a carcinogen that has been found in high levels in human breast milk. This is where I begin to feel stressed out for my family and yours. Is this information bothering you yet? Dioxins have disruptive effects on our endocrine system and negatively impact thyroid functions. Dioxin was the main ingredient in agent orange during the Vietnam war. Think about it. If we are washing our bodies with soap that contains harmful ingredients every single day, what do you think is happening to our bodies and brain?

We are the gatekeepers of our bodies, mind, and homes. With little and outdated government regulations we are responsible for finding wiser choices for our family.

Working towards optimal health is essential before we find we have an illness or condition triggered by these endocrine disruptors.

Ditch the chemical laden soaps and hand sanitizers in your home with clean, safe products.

I use essential oils, castile soap, and purified water to make our own budget-friendly hand soap. I am partial to Young Living Products as I trust the integrity of the company and know the quality of personal experience. When I don’t have time to make my own hand soaps I use the Thieves Line of soaps. I love the quality and that my home stays far above the wellness line all season when we use Thieves soap It is a true support to our immune system while keeping my family clean. Win!

If you love to DIY, I have several soap recipes I would love to share with you! You can connect with me on FAcebook, Instagram or simply email me at Amindfullpromise@gmail.com


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